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Waking up with a sense of dread

Waking up with a sense of dread

Struggling with burnout and feeling overwhelmed at work? Discover how a chance call for mindset coaching helped me regain control, find balance, and reconnect with what truly matters.

What hard questions are you avoiding?

What hard questions are you avoiding?

When times get tough, we often narrow our focus to what's just in front of us. We start to avoid the bigger (and harder) questions that will lead to real breakthroughs. But there's one big thing that can help get us out of that unhelpful cycle of thinking...

What Makes Open Loops So Powerful?

What Makes Open Loops So Powerful?

A few years ago a mentor introduced me to the idea of open loops. You'll never believe what happened next...

After the restructure: then what?

After the restructure: then what?

Leading through a restructure is one of the biggest leadership challenges. Change can be both big and small. After a big change like a restructure, we need to balance that with small changes through everyday conversations.

Why So Many Strategies Stink

Why So Many Strategies Stink

What is strategy? And how is it different to vision, purpose, values, culture, mission and all that? Does it even matter? The answers may surprise you.

Do you need a team offsite? 3 prompts to consider

Do you need a team offsite? 3 prompts to consider

Team offsites create an environment for hard conversations, which can then make your day-to-day work life easier. That's the theory. But many of us get caught up in choosing the right activity and forget the critical conversations we need.

The sweet spot of conflict

The sweet spot of conflict

Too little conflict and we're avoiding the real issues. Too much conflict and people go into attack and defence mode. There's a sweet spot in the middle. But how do you create that sweet spot?

🫠 Seriously, stop doing performance reviews

🫠 Seriously, stop doing performance reviews

Study after study has confirmed that performance reviews do not improve performance. So why do we keep doing them? And what can we do instead?

😔 Are your people burning out?

😔 Are your people burning out?

Recent research on burnout rates left me gobsmacked. And concerned. One in two people is at a high-risk of burning out. As a leader, what can you do?

How to do more with less

How to do more with less

We're all being called to do more with less. But this often means something has to give. Often that "something" ends up being our health and wellbeing. Is there an alternative?