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Meetings, events, gatherings, hui. Whatever you call them, they're critical to making change happen.
With the Facilitation Canvas, you'll be guided through five key questions to make your next meeting one to remember... for the right reasons.
In study after study, researchers have confirmed that performance reviews do not improve performance. In fact, they often make it worse.
But what can we do instead?
Try a Progress Review.
Meetings are everywhere in many shapes and sizes. They’re critical forums for discussing, debating and designing solutions to the most important challenges we face together.
But do your meetings create more problems than they solve? Learn why your meetings matter and how to make them better.
When you want a creative way to generate good conversation, this card deck will save you. (Plus you can use it to split groups up randomly.) Simply print it at your local photo printer and pop it in your kit bag.
Many virtual meetings are events are draining (and at times dreadful).
But with a few well-chosen activities, you can dramatically improve how people participate and engage.