After the restructure: then what?

After the restructure: then what?

If you're emerging from a recent restructure,

I'd love to help you re-engage your people. Flick me an email to talk about how I can help you to move forward with optimism and clarity.

Leading through a restructure is one of the biggest leadership challenges.

Morale always takes a hit.

People worry that their job will be next. This can bring the best and worst out of us.

Have you noticed that some people have disengaged from the process entirely?

They might be using gossip to get through. Doing the bare minimum and casting doubt on the process is a viable coping strategy. If their job gets cut, they can reassure themselves that they weren't trying anyway. Their ego is protected.

Others work harder than ever before.

Their logic is that nobody will axe them when they're delivering at superhuman levels.

All this makes the workplace a tense place to be.

Many of my clients are now emerging from the other side of a restructure. Those who are left feel relieved to have a job (but worried about what their lean team will mean.)

You've restructured. Now what?

My first job after university was a newly created position from a restructure.

Nobody seemed to know what my role was meant to achieve. The management team was too busy running around from meeting to meeting to give me a proper induction.

The restructure is the easy-hard part. Now it's time for the hard-hard part.

The best way to rebuild morale and motivation is to lead with questions.

"What do you need?"
"What are your expectations now?"
"How's your workload?"

These sorts of questions will lead you to the conversations that matter the most right now. The tough part is listening with true humility to whatever emerges.

Bringing the team back together

Today I'm in Christchurch to facilitate a team offsite with some amazing people who want to refresh their team culture. With everything that's been changing in the last few years, it's only natural that their ways of working have started to show some cracks.

If you're emerging from a restructure, or feel that your team is at perhaps a 6/10 for team performance, then I'd love to refresh your team too. Just flick me an email and let's make it happen.

Ngā mihi,