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Follow the Energy

Follow the Energy

Feeling the pressure to be upbeat all the time? What if you shifted to following the energy—both positive and negative? Discover how embracing all energy can transform your leadership.

How to do more with less

How to do more with less

We're all being called to do more with less. But this often means something has to give. Often that "something" ends up being our health and wellbeing. Is there an alternative?

A Leader's Guide to the Best Facilitation Books

A Leader's Guide to the Best Facilitation Books

"Paul, can you recommend me a book on facilitation?" Nope, but I can recommend you 12 - depending on who you are and what's your interest.

The Worst Meeting I Attended (and a free offer)

The Worst Meeting I Attended (and a free offer)

80% of us say we spend too much time in meetings. But why?

How to say a positive NO

How to say a positive NO

Saying "no" is a critical skill. But we're genetically programmed to be averse to saying "no". If you find it hard to say "no" then you're in the right place my friend.

Are you hearing without listening?

Are you hearing without listening?

Today, the volume of information and the speed of change demand a different approach. Rather than shouting louder, effective leaders embrace silence—a moment to pause, invite participation, and truly hear what others have to say.

Awareness Creates Ownership

Awareness Creates Ownership

It's infuriating when people don't take ownership and don't take action. You may find yourself wondering: "What's the point?" Or even questioning "What am I doing wrong?" But what if people can't see what you see? And what could become possible if they could? After all, nothing breeds progress like progress.

The Barriers to Question-Asking

The Barriers to Question-Asking

Questions unlock possibilities. But many of us hold ourselves back from asking questions. What's going on here? And why does it matter?

I don't know, just ask.

I don't know, just ask.

Children ask 40,000 questions between the ages of 2 and 5. But then we stop. Why? And what does it matter?

5 signals to invest in facilitation training

5 signals to invest in facilitation training

In a constrained economic climate, investing in your people development may seem like a luxury you cannot afford. But in truth, it's a necessity you cannot afford to ignore. In this article, I point to five things that might suggest your team needs to upskill in facilitation.

Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue

Decisions are tiring. And we make dozens of them every day. But a good decision made is better than a perfect decision delayed.

What is your team's hidden potential?

What is your team's hidden potential?

Getting the most out of your people is a critical challenge for all people leaders. But how do we do this? Especially when we have people in our team who seem lazy or unmotivated?