Influencing systems change

Crown-Māori partnerships

Community engagement

4 favourite episodes

Ep 14 - Beyond Sticky Notes - Codesign, with Kelly Ann McKercher

Codesign gets thrown around like a buzzword and many things get called codesign when they're not. So how can we ensure our codesign efforts don't revert to consultation?

Ep 9 - The Five Wai's (Not Why's) of Māori Engagement, with Atawhai Tibble

Many organisations are committed to working well with Māori... but how? Atawhai is here to demystify what good Māori partnerships look like.

Ep 59 - Trauma informed change, with Louise Marra

Why do our efforts to change systems seem to get stuck? Only by learning to work with our collective trauma can we truly make progress.

Ep 20 - For the Love of Community Engagement, with Becky Hirst

Many of us have a tried-and-tested set of engagement tools that we turn to. But what happens when those don't work? Becky will inspire you to try new ways of engaging communities in important conversations.

Got a question?

If you have a question about how to move beyond consultation, I'd love to hear it.

I can even play it back to a future guest and ask them to share their thoughts.

Keen to be a guest?

I'm open to expressions of interest for new guests.

If you’d like to nominate yourself or somebody you know, please email me or message me on LinkedIn.

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