Do you need a team offsite? 3 prompts to consider

Do you need a team offsite? 3 prompts to consider

I'd love to facilitate your next team offsite. 

Email me if you're bringing people together to develop your strategy or ways of working. But first, let's explore why you might need one at all...

Team offsites are not like holidays.

On holiday, we switch off from work life. (At least, we ought to.)

Goodbye devices. Hello 'out of office'.

Sod off clients and colleagues. (I mean you're great, but... 😅)

No, team offsites are more like a lock-in.

Did you ever have a lock-in back in your younger days?

The idea was simple, albeit brutal.

You all purchased an agreed amount of alcohol and then stayed in the same place until you had drunk it all.

Things generally got interesting about two-thirds of the way through.

One flatmate would start ranting about how they were really into your other flatmate but weren't sure what to do. (Those two old flatmates of mine? They're about to have their third child. True story.)

Offsites need to must create meaningful progress

Honest conversations are what make team offsites impactful.

Yet many of us treat them like a holiday. A day away from the normal routine. Huzzah! Let's do that marshmallow-pasta exercise! No, let's scavenger hunt! Noooo, let's do an escape room!

Those activities often miss the point.

Team offsites create an environment for the hard conversations that make your day-to-day work life easier.

So let me ask you...

How engaged are your people?

What conversations has your team been avoiding?

What conflict is simmering under the surface?

(If you're unsure, this old post of mine might help. Is your team toxic, tapped out, tolerable or thriving?)

I'd love to facilitate your next offsite

Of course, you may enjoy the kayak trips, escape rooms and scavenger hunts. You don't have to forget them altogether. Just know that they'll only make your team more effective when they're accompanied by the conversations that matter.

If this resonates, and you'd like a facilitator to guide you through the critical conversations at your next team offsite, let's talk.