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What's your approach to conflict?

What's your approach to conflict?

Diamonds are formed under pressure. In teams, we need productive conflict. But it's natural to avoid and minimise conflict. If that sounds like your tendency, read on.

💪People support what they help to create

💪People support what they help to create

Engaging people in the process of change means they are more likely to support what you create or decide. But it's hard to let go of power. Why should we co-create and co-design? Why bother?

Directing, inviting, sensing or organising?

Directing, inviting, sensing or organising?

Personality and team profiling gives us a way to understand how to work better together. But there are dark sides to profiling. Learn how to avoid these and try out the Leading by Facilitation diagnostic for yoursef.

How do your nerves impact the group? 😥

How do your nerves impact the group? 😥

Good facilitation just flows. But sadly, working in groups can be hard graft a lot of the time. What's your experience of leading by facilitation? Torture? Tone-deaf? Tense? Or is it your happy place where you feel like everything just flows?

Read this if you're not feeling up for work today

Read this if you're not feeling up for work today

Often we keep ideas and plans close to our chest because we're worried about people reacting negatively to something that's half-baked. But the thing is: people support what they help to create.

Why do we get sick when the holidays hit?

Why do we get sick when the holidays hit?

Do you ever get sick when the holidays hit? It seems unfair, but it's just our body's response to the stress comedown. The good news is we can reduce the chances of it happening.

Does your stomach drop when you receive feedback?

Does your stomach drop when you receive feedback?

Feedback is essential to improvement. But sometimes it's hard to give. And even harder to receive. We need to manage two elements - your intention and your technique. But how?

Want better answers? Ask better questions

Want better answers? Ask better questions

Questions are like a wizard's wand. You can unlock an entire world with a powerful question. But what makes a question the right question at the right time? There are 3 keys.

Your bullies

Your bullies

What if the thing that you were bullied for at school is actually your superpower? By bringing our shame out of the shadow, we can make it easier for people to build trust and collaborate effectively. Are you ready to dig a little deeper?

Impactful Presentations and Meetings

Impactful Presentations and Meetings

Imagine if you could halve the time and stress required to prepare for and recover from your presentations and meetings. My new programme for teams of subject matter experts does just that.

What's wrong with firehosing people with information?

What's wrong with firehosing people with information?

Influence is a game. You can either play the game, or get played. Which are you doing?