Follow the Energy

Follow the Energy

As a leader, it can often feel like the world rests on your shoulders.

People are looking to you for advice and guidance. They expect you to have things figured out. To bring positive and inspirational energy...




It's an exhausting way to lead and work.

And there's a better way...

Follow the Energy

What if, instead of bringing the energy, you followed the energy?

It's funny. We put this pressure on ourselves to show up to work with positive energy (and we feel guilty when our energy dips).

And when anybody shows a hint of negative energy, we run away from it.

Often, in my coaching work, I'm helping people to reconnect to their own energy. Both what lights them up, but also what grinds their gears.

Just yesterday, I was chatting with a client about her succession planning. She's led an organization for a decade and wants to pass on the baton to the next generation. But the board dismissed her succession plan at a recent meeting.

"What they've done really doesn't sit well with me," she explained. "But I don't think I can tell that to the board. I don't want to come across as mean."

"That's interesting," I observed. "You're equating honesty with meanness."

Being honest isn't mean.

Listening to your intuition isn't flaky.

Following the energy isn't weak.

Often, it's the harder path. And the more powerful one.

When we follow the energy, what follows has energy.

So I wonder - where are you ignoring the energy? And what might happen if you followed it?

Ngā mihi,