Stop caring so much

Stop caring so much

Last week I was MCing a conference for non-profit leaders the day after Donald Trump's return to the White House.

"I'm so depressed," was the first message I saw that morning.

"I can't even get out of bed," it went on.

Me? I allowed myself a moment to wallow. And then got on with MCing the day.

Some people might call me privileged or ignorant for shutting out negative news.

But for me, it's essential.

If I'm to show up as a light in dark places, I have to keep my light charged up.

Focus on what you CAN control

I'm currently working on the final chapter of my book called "The Change Question - What would this be like if it felt easy?"

This chapter has been frustrating me for months. (How ironic that a chapter about ease is the hardest chapter! 😅)

Like many of you, I'm skilled at making things harder than they need to be:

  • Letting meetings run on, thinking we have to “cover everything”.
  • Saying "yes" to avoid the discomfort of a "no".
  • Worrying about things over which we have absolutely no control. (Donald Trump anyone?)

Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't care about things outside our control. But perhaps we shouldn't care quite as much...

Instead, what if you focused your energy on what is within your control?

How might that change your energy and your impact?

Remember, no matter what’s happening out there, you still matter. And so does the work you’re doing. Thank you for showing up, and making a difference.

Take care,


P.S. When you're ready, I'd love to chat about helping you in 2025 with either:

  • Facilitation training
  • MCing your next conference
  • Leading your next team offsite.