Introducing "Lab Notes"


"You're doing what?"

Back in 2017, I was miserable in my policy analyst role at the Ministry of Justice.

The layers of hierarchy. The disconnection from communities. My lack of self-awareness. All combined to make for a draining experience.

My response was to look for alternative experiences and perspectives, and I found those in a three-month programme on youth-led systems change facilitated by LifehackHQ.

Towards the end, I remember Chelsea, one of the facilitators, declaring: "This whole programme has been an experiment..."

And I remember being gobsmacked.😲

You're admitting to experimenting on us?! 🤯

At the time, I just couldn't believe anybody would admit that.

Evidently, something in my cultural upbringing had conditioned me to view experiments as something done in a lab, under controlled conditions. Not something done out in the real world, with real people.

Why "The Learning Lab"?

The foundations of our society are brittle. Institutions and ideas can break apart in ways we never expect, at a pace we can never anticipate.

This can leave us feeling anxious, as we scratch our heads at incomprehensible events.

And it's why I believe experimentation is so critical for our organisations, communities and societies.

We need to bring a sense of curiosity, connection, and play into the serious work of serving community needs.

We need to lead with learning and humility, alongside the decisiveness and certainty that we often characterise as 'leadership'.

That's why the name The Learning Lab resonated with me.

And while I don't know the exact path I'll be taking with The Learning Lab, I do know the direction I want to head. And that seems to be enough for now!

All this is to say...

Thank you for saying 'yes' to this newsletter!

I'm not quite sure what the format or rhythm will be. (I'll be experimenting along the way. 😉) But I'm so pleased to have you along for the journey!

Ngā mihi,


P.S. Come and join me...

Later this year, I'm leading workshops on the principles and practice of codesign at two inspiring events.

The Talk It Up Unconference is in Kirikirioa Hamilton on 3-4 July.

Ideal for any public sector comms and engagement professionals who find that the best part of conferences happens in the hallways.

Or come join me at Facilitation Matters in Tauranga on 20-21 July.

It's a 2-day Festival of Learning for facilitators who want to gather new ideas, connect with others, and gain fresh enthusiasm.