I'm writing a book!

I'm writing a book!

What have I signed myself up for?

A few years ago I signed up for a 3-month youth-led systems change programme with an organization called LifehackHQ.

My heart started beating fast on the drive out to Ōtaki, north of Wellington. We arrived to a warm welcome at a beautiful venue nestled amongst the native bush.

Before long, we were invited to sit in a circle and introduce ourselves. One by one, a diverse range of impressive people shared their stories. I sat waiting for my turn to speak with an increasing sense of dread!

This intense beginning kicked off an even more intense three months.

I remember frequently thinking... "What have I signed myself up for?"

But gradually, my skepticism and discomfort transformed into awe. I was left wondering... "What was that?" And "How on earth did they do that?"

The answer - of course - was facilitation.

This sparked a journey of self-discovery - guided by an array of facilitation books, mentors, Google searches, and toolkits. Everything I've done since then can be traced back to that intense opening circle.

Leading by Facilitation

Now, almost 10 years later, it's time for me to pay it forward by building on the work of all those authors and mentors.

I believe facilitation is the key practice for leaders in today's increasingly complex, volatile, and uncertain world. When everything keeps changing, we need a set of beliefs, structures, and tools to help us adapt and work together with our workmates and the communities we serve.

Yet many leaders and managers are never trained in facilitation. Or if they are, it's a one-day spray and pray training.

This week I'm committing to writing my first proper book! By December 1st this year.

I've drafted the outline. I've whipped up a cover. And I've dedicated a wall in the back room for brainstorming and inspiration.

My goal is to complete the manuscript by 1 December. Yes I know - that's just 12 weeks away. But as Mary Heaton Vorse once famously said: “The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.”

This means my newsletter will have one single focus over the next 12 weeks - Leading by Facilitation. I invite you to share in the book-writing adventure. Your feedback and encouragement may be much needed!

Ngā mihi,
