Make your event the standout experience of their year

I facilitate team retreats, conferences and summits that leave people connected, inspired and hungry for more

Many gatherings fail to live up their potential

Bringing people together requires a lot of work just to get people in the room. And yet often the opportunity is wasted.

No doubt you've attended events that have fallen flat. Where the best part is the spontaneous connection over lunch, while the rest feels a bit bland or boring.

It's understandable why many events fall a bit flat.

As the organiser, your focus is on the logistics:

  • Getting the best speakers or presenters. 
  • Sorting the venue. 
  • Getting the word out there. 
  • And all while sticking to budget!

With all these pressing details to oversee, the overall experience for your attendees can fall to the bottom of the list.

Or you may simply not know the best processes to guide people through the event.

You need a facilitator focused on the overall experience

That's where I come in.

Together, we'll map out an amazing event experience - starting from the moment they sign up until the week after the event.

My focus is on getting the balance right between content and process.

I can also help you to design those special moments that create a standout event.

And on the day?

You get to relax and connect with your attendees, knowing that a calm and organised facilitator has got things all in hand.

    Previous clients include

    Book your discovery call

    I might be the right person to facilitate your event, or I might not be.

    In a discovery call, we can explore your aspirations and I can share how I would work with you. Afterwards, you'll get an email with a summary of what I heard and some options for how I can help.