The Challenge

When I ask emerging leaders to name their biggest challenge, it's always a variation of the people stuff.

What I hear from other leaders is:

  1. I get really nervous when I’m facilitating

  2. I interrupt people and talk too much (or I freeze and don't talk at all)

  3. I know my stuff but I can’t bring that confidence into the room.

For many people, work feels frantic these days. You spend a lot of time in meetings that don't make a real difference. Timeframes often blow out. And your teams are muddling through.

Being able to bring people along for the journey of change is what makes or breaks your work. 

As a leader, you need to become a great facilitator if you are to progress in your career.

Is coaching for you?

Yes, if:

✅You’re a manager or emerging leader

✅You spend a lot of time in meetings and group interactions every week

✅You sometimes wonder if you're cut out for leadership

✅You've consumed lots of books, articles and podcasts but they just haven't made a difference yet.

No, not if:

❌You want your team to develop their facilitative leadership skills together.

What’s the investment?

The fee for a 4 monthly coaching package is $5,000 (ex GST). This includes:

  • one in-person coaching session where I observe you in action

  • involvement of your manager in setting objectives and reviewing your progress

  • monthly online 1:1 coaching calls with me

  • access to the full Leading by Facilitation diagnostic tool

  • follow-up email support and access to resources mentioned in the coaching calls

  • one additional coaching call if required for a particularly important or tricky group interaction.

What people say after working together

Trusted by organisations like:

Frequently Asked Questions

Coaching is generally a one-one-one relationship. But for special clients I am happy to do group coaching. Email me if you’re considering this.

We generally start with a quick check-in on your energy and state. I then invite you to set an intention for the session. Based on that, I will then use a series of questions or share a model that may help to address your intention.

I allocate 60 minutes into the diary for each session. Clients tell me this is about the right length. Any longer and it becomes too tiring.

The programme is all based on my own Leading by Facilitation intellectual property. We agree your focus areas beforehand.

We'll involve them at the start to agree on your goals. At the end, I'll also debrief with them on the results and next steps. But the coaching in the middle is just between us. In other words, your manager is a bit like the bread of a sandwich. Their involvement is critical to keeping things together.

Take the first step

Choosing a coach is an important decision. You need to be confident that we’ll work well together. Email me to set up a no-obligation meeting to connect and see if this is right for you.

Please note that I only have capacity for 5 coaching clients per year, and I generally take new clients on a first-in, first-served basis.